Test programs and Examples

Definitions above the kernel (wfroth.wft)

This chapter presents the listing of the file wfroth.wft which contains many forth definitions defined above the kernel..

Last update:


State (estimation)


/* ===========================================================================
   wfroth.wft                                    Oliver Singla
   Description: This file defines words for wfroth which are not defined 
               into the kernel.
   Remember:   The primary usage of wfroth is to write forth cross-compilers
               for targets such DSP and Microcontrolers.
   =========================================================================== */
// *************
// *** STACK ***
// *************
: under                ( n1 n2 --- n2 )
  swap drop ;
' under alias nip
: below                ( n1 n2 n3 --- n2 n3 )
  rot drop ;
: above                ( n1 n2 n3 --- n1 n2 n3 n1 )
  3 pick ;
' above alias pluck
: tuck                 ( n1 n2 --- n2 n1 n2 )
  swap over ;
: -rot                 ( n1 n2 n3 --- n3 n1 n2 )
  rot rot ;
: ddrop                ( n1 n2 --- )
  drop drop ;
' ddrop alias 2drop
: ddup                 ( n1 n2 --- n1 n2 n1 n2 )
  over over ;
' ddup alias 2dup
: 3dup                 ( n1 n2 n3 --- n1 n2 n3 n1 n2 n3 )
  above above above ;
: 3drop                ( n1 n2 n3 --- )
  2drop drop ;
// *************
// *** ARITH ***
// *************
: decimal base 10 ! ;
: hex     base 16 ! ;
: binary  base 2 ! ;
: octal   base 8 ! ;
: 1+                   ( n --- n+1 )
  1 + ;
: 2+                   ( n --- n+2 )
  2 + ;
: -                    ( n1 n2 --- n3 )
  negate + ;
: 1-                   ( n --- n-1 )
  1 - ;
: 2-                   ( n --- n-2 )
  2 - ;
: 2*                   ( n --- n*2 )
  1 shl ;
: 2/                   ( n --- n/2 )
  1 shr ;
// **************
// *** MEMORY ***
// **************
: -A                   ( n --- )
  negate +A ;
: -!                   ( n --- )
  negate +! ;
: 1+!                  ( --- )
  1 +! ;
' 1+! alias incr
: 1-!                  ( --- )
  -1 +! ;
' 1-! alias decr
: 0!
  0 ! ;
: peek                 ( a --- )
  A> >R >A @ R> >A ;
: poke                 ( n a --- )
  A> >R >A ! R> >A ;
// *****************
// *** UTILITIES ***
// *****************
: exit
  [compile] (;) ; immediate
: cellsize+
  cellsize + ;
: cellsize-
  cellsize + ;
: cellsize*
  cellsize * ;
: space                        ( --- )
  32 emit ;
: cr                           ( --- )
  13 emit 10 emit ;
: type
  A> >R
  >A [ here ] C@ (0branch) [ here ] noop C@+ emit
  (branch) noop [ swap here - 1 + here 1 - !code
  here over - swap !code ]
  R> >A ;
: ?enought             ( n --- )
  depth 1- > " Not enought parameters on stack" ?"error ;
: split                ( hilo --- lo hi )
  dup $FF and swap 8 shr ;
: join                 ( n1 n2 --- n3 )
  8 shl swap + ;
// **************************
// *** IF..[ELSE]..ENDIF  ***
// **************************
: create_control_stack
          dup 2 * 2 + allot !+ 0 !
  does> ;
64 create_control_stack control_stack
: dummy 1000 ;
: >control             ( addr mark --- )
  control_stack @+ drop 1+! @+ 1- cellsize * 2 * A> + >A 
  swap !+ ! ;
: control>             ( --- addr mark )
  control_stack @+ drop 1-! @+ cellsize * 2 * A> + >A
  @+ @ ;
: control              ( --- addr mark )
  control_stack @+ drop @+ 1- cellsize * 2 * A> + >A
  @+ @ ;
: IF
  compile (0branch)
  here 'IFFI >control
  dummy code, ; immediate
: if?                          ( mark --- )
  'IFFI == 0 == " IF not called before" ?"error ;
  control> if?
  compile (branch)
  here 'IFFI >control
  dummy code,
  here over - swap !code ; immediate
  control> if? 
  here over - swap !code ; immediate
' ENDIF alias THEN
// ***************
// *** LOGICAL ***
// ***************
: true                 ( --- tf )
  -1 ;
: false                ( --- ff )
  0 ;
: true!                ( --- )
  true ! ;
: false!               ( --- )
  false ! ;
: not                  ( f1 --- f2 )
  IF false ELSE true ENDIF ;
: 0!=                  ( n --- f )
  IF true ELSE false ENDIF ;
' 0!= alias 0<>
: &&                   ( n1 n2 --- f )
  0!= swap 0!= AND ;
: ||                   ( n1 n2 --- f )
  0!= swap 0!= OR ;
: = == ;
' == alias =
: !=                   ( n1 n2 --- f )
  == not ;
' != alias <>
: 0=                   ( n --- f )
  0 == ;
: <                    ( n1 n2 --- f )
  ddup > -rot == or not ;
: >=                   ( n1 n2 --- f )
  ddup > -rot == or ;
: <=                   ( n1 n2 --- f )
  > not ;
: U<                   ( u1 u2 --- f )
  ddup U> -rot == or not ;
: U>=                  ( u1 u2 --- f )
  ddup U> -rot == or ;
: U<=                  ( u1 u2 --- f )
  U> not ;
// **************************
// *** BEGIN..UNTIL      ***
// **************************
  here 'BEGI >control ; immediate
: begin?                       ( mark --- )
  'BEGI != " BEGIN not called before" ?"error ;
: break?
  dup 'BREA == IF
         here over - 1+ swap !code
: begin_or_break?      ( addr mark --- )
  under dup 'BEGI != swap dup 'BREA != 
  swap 'WHIL != and and
  " BREAK not allowed here" ?"error ;
: ?break
  compile (1branch)
  control begin_or_break?
  here 'BREA >control
  dummy code, ; immediate
: ?continue
  compile (1branch)
  control over -rot begin_or_break?
  here - code, ; immediate
  compile (branch)
  control> break? begin?
  here - code, ; immediate
  compile (0branch)
  control> break? begin?
  here - code, ; immediate
  compile (0branch)
  control begin_or_break?
  here 'WHIL >control
  dummy code, ; immediate
: while?                       ( mark --- )
  'WHIL != " WHILE not called before" ?"error ;
  compile (branch)
  control> break? while?
  here over - 1+ swap !code
  control> break? begin?
  here - code, ; immediate
  here 'CASE >control ; immediate
: case?                ( mark --- )
  dup 'CASE != swap 'ENDO != and 
  " CASE not called before" ?"error ;
: of?                  ( mark --- )
  'OFFO != " OF not called before" ?"error ;
: tipof?               ( addr mark --- addr mark )
  dup 'TIPO == IF
          drop here over - 2+ swap !code
          control> ddrop control myself
: OF
  control tipof?
  under case?
  compile (of)
  here 'OFFO >control
  dummy code, ; immediate
  control> of?
  compile (branch)
  here 'ENDO >control
  here over - 1+ swap !code
  dummy code, ; immediate
  control> of?
  compile (branch)
  here 'TIPO >control
  here over - 1+ swap !code
  dummy code, ; immediate
  control> 'ENDO == IF
          here over - swap !code
  ENDIF drop ; immediate
: DO
  compile (do)
  here 'DOOD >control ; immediate
: do?                          ( mark --- )
  'DOOD == 0 == " DO not called before" ?"error ;
  compile (loop)
  control> break? do?
  here - code, ; immediate
' LOOP alias ENDDO
  compile (+loop)
  control> break? do?
  here - code, ; immediate
' +LOOP alias +ENDDO
  compile (times)
  here 'TIME >control
  dummy code, ; immediate
: times?                              ( mark --- )
  'TIME == 0 == " TIMES not called before" ?"error ;
  compile (endtimes)
  control> break? times?
  dup here - 1+ code,
  here over - swap !code
; immediate
: :
  [compile] : ; immediate flush
: ;
  ?named IF
          A> >R
          control_stack @+ drop @ 0 > " Control Structure not endded" ?"error
          R> >A 
  [compile] ; ; immediate flush
// ***********************
// ***********************
// Create an uninitialized integer variable
// Example of creation:        int myVar
// Examples of utilization: 90 myVar !
//                                                   myVar @
: int
  build> 1 allot does> ;
' int alias integer
' int alias variable
// Create an initialized integer variable
// Example of creation:        123 int myVar
// Examples of utilization: 90 myVar !
//                                                   myVar @
: iint
  build> , does> ;
// Create a constant integer
// Example of creation:        10 const ten
// Examples of utilization: ten
: const 
  build> , does> @ ;
' const alias constant
// *****************
// *** PLATFORMS ***
// *****************
1 const WINDOWS
3 const CONSOLE
// *******************
// *** TARGET/HOST ***
// *******************
int target_mode
: host         target_mode false! ;
' host alias ok
: target       target_mode true! ;
' target alias tok
: host?        A> target_mode @ not swap >A ;
: target?      A> target_mode @ swap >A ;
// ******************
// *** ARITHMETIC ***
// ******************
: min                  ( n1 n2 --- n3 )
  over over > IF under ELSE drop ENDIF ;
: max                  ( n1 n2 --- n3 )
  over over > IF drop ELSE under ENDIF ;
// **************
// *** STRING ***
// **************
: $len                 ( sz --- n )
// *******************
// *** NUMERIC I/O ***
// *******************
int hld
: hold                 ( c --- )
  hld decr @ >A C! ;
: digit                ( n --- c )
  dup 9 > IF 55 ELSE 48 ENDIF + ;
: <#                   ( n --- n )
  pad A> hld ! ;
: #                    ( n1 --- n2 )
  base @ /mod swap digit hold ;
: #>                   ( n --- )
  drop hld @ >A ;
: #S                   ( n --- )
  BEGIN # dup 0 == UNTIL ;
: <#S>                 ( n --- sz )
  <# #S #> A> ;
: .                    ( n --- )
  A> >R <# #S #> A> type space R> >A ;
: .R                   ( n1 n2 --- )
  A> >R 
  swap <#S> dup $len rot 2dup < IF swap DO space ENDDO ELSE 2drop ENDIF type
  R> >A ;
: .L                   ( n1 n2 --- )
  A> >R 
  swap <#S> dup type $len 2dup > IF DO space ENDDO ELSE 2drop ENDIF 
  R> >A ;
: h.                   ( n --- )
  A> >R base @ >R hex . R> base ! R> >A ;
: h02.                 ( n --- )
  A> >R base @ >R hex 
  A> >R <# # # #> A> type R> >A
  R> base ! R> >A ;
: h04.                 ( n --- )
  A> >R base @ >R hex 
  A> >R <# # # # # #> A> type R> >A
  R> base ! R> >A ;
: h04.(.)              ( n --- )
  dup '$ emit h04. space '( emit
  A> >R base @ >R decimal 
  A> >R <#S> type R> >A
  R> base ! R> >A ') emit ;
: h08.                 ( n --- )
  A> >R base @ >R hex 
  A> >R <# # # # # # # # # #> A> type R> >A
  R> base ! R> >A ;
// ************************
// ************************
: wherex                       ( --- x )
  wherexy drop ;
: wherey                       ( --- y )
  wherexy under ;
: gotox                        ( x --- )
  wherey gotoxy ;
: gotoy                        ( y --- )
  wherex swap gotoxy ;
: spaces                       ( n --- )
  BEGIN  space 1- dup not  UNTIL drop ;
// ***************
// *** VARIOUS ***
// ***************
: ?                    ( --- )
  @ . ;
: drops                ( n --- )
// *****************
// *** UTILITIES ***
// *****************
32 constant BL
27 constant ESC
: [within]             ( n1 n2 n3 --- f )
  -rot over <= -rot >= and ;
: [within[             ( n1 n2 n3 --- f )
  -rot over <= -rot > and ;
: ]within]             ( n1 n2 n3 --- f )
  -rot over < -rot >= and ;
: ]within[             ( n1 n2 n3 --- f )
  -rot over < -rot > and ;
: words
  0 -1 BEGIN
          under under swap 
          rot over $len + 1+ dup #cols >= IF
                 cr drop dup $len 1+
          -rot type space
          DUP -1 == 
  UNTIL drop drop ; immediate
// *******************
// *** SERIAL COMM ***
// *******************
0 const NOPARITY 
1 const HFLOW
2 const XONXOFF
1 const COM1:
2 const COM2:
3 const COM3:
4 const COM4:
// *************************************
// *** TOOLS                                          ***
// *************************************
// Stack dump
: .S
  cr " Stack: " type
  depth 0 == IF
      " empty" type
      0 depth 1- DO  I pick .  -1 +ENDDO
  ENDIF ; immediate
// Information on a definition
// Example:    WHAT dup
: what
  [compile] 'nfa
  dup not " Definition not found" ?"error 
  >R R >A @+ IF 
          cr " Is an alias of " type cellsize -A @+ 10 cellsize* + type
  cr @+ IF
          " 'C' definition - Token = " type
          @ h. space " (-" type @+ negate . ') emit
          " Colon definition - Begin=" type
          cellsize +A @+ h. space " End=" type @+ h.
          @ IF
                 cr " BUILD> " type @+ h. 2 spaces
                 " DOES> " type @+ h.
  cr " Flags: " type
  R> >A 7 cellsize* +A
  @ dup 1 AND IF " IMMEDIATE " type ENDIF
    dup 2 AND IF " FLUSH " type ENDIF
        dup 4 AND IF " DEFW" type ENDIF
  drop ; immediate
: help
  cr " words      list all definitions" type 
  cr " infos      show nb of words and memory use" type
  cr " what <def> basic infos on a given definition" type
  cr " see <def>  decompilation of the given definition" type
  cr " *** All these words are immediate and therefore do not need ; ***" type
  cr " Do not forget ; (semicolon) to execute the current compiled definition" type 
; immediate
: infos
  cr . " rt words - " type . " words" type
  cr 3dup " Code: " type dup h08. '- emit + h08. 2 spaces " cp=" type h08.
         2 spaces " (Used=" type above over - 5 .L
         " Free=" type + - negate 5 .L ') emit
  cr 3dup " Data: " type dup h08. '- emit + h08. 2 spaces " dp=" type h08.
         2 spaces " (Used=" type above over - 5 .L
         " Free=" type + - negate 5 .L ') emit ; immediate
' infos alias ??
// *************************************
// *** Compile the user file startup ***
// *************************************
" /wfroth/startup.wft" "load ;